
Cinkusi - Navigare necesse est

25.10.2013. friday,  Teatar &TD - semicircular hall 17:00 - 20:00, free entry

- The exhibition "Porto Franco" of Zeljko Belic
- Workshop boats for children and adults
- Chamber Music performance - Cinkusi

Academic sculptor Zeljko Belic and music troupe Cinkusi continue the cooperation that started 2010 on the Zagreb mountain - Medvednica.
Then was open a shipyard - Ship-Nursery that was took this opportunity to move into a semicircular hall at &TD Theatre.
Dreamer, shipbuilder, lighthouse keeper and eternal lover of the sea Zeljko Belic presented his fleet and through creative play exhibition visitors and participants of the workshop, open the door again in Porto Franco.
Cinkusi will from its islets kajkavian mother tongue, as well as skilled sailors on Komizan Falkusa sail to a free port, because "Sail you must - navigare necesse est".

Project: Association Cinkusi / sponsors: HGU-HUZIP and HEP